Rotary Rewind – Feb. 13, 2019

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If you didn’t make it to this week’s Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, below is an overview of what you missed.

Daughter’s Day:
Thank you to all of our members who brought their daughters (and at least one son) to Wednesday’s meeting for our annual Daughter’s Day. We hope they enjoyed attending!

Cornelius Library Service Opportunity: The Cornelius Public Library is beginning its long-awaited move into tis new building and they need volunteers to help make the move! Opportunities are available to help move books and other equipment from one building to the other from Sat., Feb. 16 through Wed., Feb. 20. If you are interested in helping, sign up at the following link: The Rotary Club of Forest Grove is a proud financial contributor to this community project!

Mike Ward Community Service Award: Nominations are now open for the club’s Mike Ward Community Service Award, which will be presented at the Crab Feed on Wed., Mar. 27. The award honors a non-Rotarian who has demonstrated longtime service to the community. Nomination forms can be picked up at a club meeting or can be Downloaded From The Club Website. The deadline for nominations is Fri., Mar. 1.

Peace Village: Our club and the Forest Grove Rotary Daybreak Club have both received District 5100 Matching Grants to help towards our club’s joint Peace Village project. The camp, which will target middle school students in teaching skills in conflict resolution, media literacy, connections with nature and mindfulness, will take place in August. The project is a joint between our Rotary Club and the Forest Grove Daybreak Rotary Club. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in the planning process, see Loren Waltz, Blake Timm or Julia Kollar. To learn more about Peace Village, Visit Their Website.

 Rotary Foundation Update: To date, club members have contributed a total of $4,100 towards The Rotary Foundation and $1,405 towards PolioPlus. We are a third of the way towards reaching our club goals of $9,000 for TRF giving and $1,500 towards PolioPlus giving. Thank you!

Silent Auction at Crab Feed: In order to help raise funds for our Rotary Foundation giving, we will have a silent auction as part of the Crab Feed on Wed., Mar. 27. If you have a great item (think beach house weekend, experience, cool item, etc.) that you would be willing to donate, please contact Michelle Thomas,

Are You Close To A Paul Harris?: We will be honoring our latest Paul Harris Fellow recipients at the Crab Feed on Wed., Mar. 27. Are you close to your first or next Paul Harris? Be sure to contribute by no later than the end of February so that you can be recognized. Not sure how close you are? Contact our foundation chair, Michael Yakos,

Be The Inspiration Award: This week’s Be The Inspiration Award winner is Mike Hundley, as chosen and presented by Jim Crisp. Congratulations Mike!

Have A Program Idea?: We have made the transition for program chairs with Julia Kollar starting her term. If you have an idea for a program or would like to present something yourself, let Julia know. She will also have a program planning board at meetings so you can see what is on deck and what dates may be available.

Next Week’s Duty Roster: Make note of your assignment!
Patrice Sivage & Andrea Stewart
Thought for the Day: Amy Presley
Rototeller Article: Claudia Yakos
Raffle Prize: Chuck Pritchard

Wednesday’s Program: Irene Trent-Valencia, Creating Friendships for Peace
Irene Trent-Valencia spoke to us about the international nonprofit, Creating Friendships for Peace (CFP). The goal of CFP is to promote peace in divided countries. They do so by providing programs for youth to help them develop leadership skills to contribute to the end of  conflict in their respective countries.

Working with Greek-speaking and Turkish-speaking Cypriot CFP coordinators, CFP offers a camp in Cyprus for the first year, where the teens begin the process of reconciliation and learn conflict management techniques and team building. In the second year, teens are selected for the US program, which begins with all teens attending a US camp, followed by home stays with American families. The curriculum includes advanced conflict resolution training, instruction in effective communication and other skills. Opportunities for participation in community service and environmental awareness projects expose the teens to the benefits of working together to solve problems that affect both sides of a conflict. Since the program began in 2009, CFP has graduated almost 1,000 teens and is responsible for thousands of friendships among the teens, their families and friends.

If you would like to promote peace by supporting CFP with a financial gift, you may donate online by credit card: or you can donate by check to Creating Friends for Peace, PO Box 981, Wolfeboro NH 03894.

Club Calendar
Wed., Feb. 20: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Pacific University
Program: Jim Crisp & Mike Hundley, Mike Ward & The Mike Ward Community Service Award
Thurs., Feb. 21: Board Meeting, 7 a.m., FG Chamber

Upcoming Programs
Wed., Feb. 27: Pacific University Choral Program
Wed., Mar. 6: Jerry Hoerber, Roadside Cleanups

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