Rotary Rewind – Nov. 13, 2019

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If you didn’t make it to this week’s Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, here is what you missed.

Club Announcements
Hope For The Holidays:
Before you know it, it will be time for one of our club’s most anticipated service projects, Hope For The Holidays. We have been approved for a $2,500 matching grant from District 5100 for the project. Coupled with a $1,000 grant from Walmart, we are well on our way. Fundraising is now under way! You can donate or pledge funds (to be billed) at any club meeting in November.

For those who are new to the club, Hope For the Holidays is an annual project where we provide money, through a store gift card, to under-privledged families to help make the holiday season a bit brighter. We identify families with the help of local school districts, Habitat for Humanity and other local groups. On our shopping night (Thursday, Dec. 19), Rotarians assist families in making their purchases.

Holiday Light Parade: We are once again planning to have a float in the annual Forest Grove Holiday Light Parade, which takes place on Saturday, Dec. 7. Tara Cirlincione is once again leading this up and will have additional details soon.

Thank You Julie: After many years of service to the club Julie Schmidlkofer has stepped down as the bookkeeper for the Rotary Club of Forest Grove. We are grateful for Julie’s efforts to help keep our club and foundation finances in order! With Julie stepping down, Virginia Ohler has agreed to step in and take on that role. Thank you Virginia!

Congratulations Paul Harris Fellows: At our Nov. 6 meeting, club Rotary Foundation chair Tom Rabbe presented Paul Harris Fellow recognitions to the following members…

Paul Harris Fellow: Andrea Stewart
Paul Harris +1: Geoff Johnston
Paul Harris +2: Tim Pearson
Paul Harris +4: Jeannine Murrell

Thank you to these individuals for providing continued financial support to The Rotary Foundation and helping it do good around the world.

November 20 Meeting: Instead of meeting the Boxer Pause for our Wednesday, Nov. 20, we will instead meet at the Ridgewalker Mail Room Event Center, 1822 21st Ave., Forest Grove.

Satellite Club Meeting/Thirsty Thursday: Our next Satellite Club Meeting/Thirsty Thursday will take place on Thursday, Nov. 21, 6:30 p.m., at Blackdog Bar & Grill, 2835 19th Ave., Forest Grove. All club members are welcome.

Holiday Meetings: The club will “go dark” (Rotary term for not hold a meeting) on the following upcoming Wednesdays: November 27 (in observance of Thanksgiving), December 25 (Christmas Day) and January 1 (New Year’s Day).

Concours d’Elegance Update: Court Carrier presented to the club on some of the ideas about trying to expand activities around the Concours weekend in an effect to bring more people to town from a tourism perspective. He is looking for individuals interested in helping develop and initiate activities that will complement Concours, but not conflict from the event, which is our largest fundraising activity. If you have ideas, or are interested in being part of a committee, please contact Court at 971-404-7864 or

Next Week’s Duty Roster: Make note of your assignment!
Michelle Thomas & Howard Sullivan
Thought for the Day: Rob Foster
Rototeller Article: Jim Cain
Raffle Prize: Jeff Duyck

Last Week’s Program: Nathanael Andreini, Washington County Museum
Prior to the program, we welcomed and celebrated twelve veterans for a total of 121.5 years of combined service. They were each presented a Rotary People of Action pin and resoundingly celebrated.

Nathanael Andreini, Co-Director of the Washington County Museum
Exhibits, Education, Research, Community Engagement, Arts & Culture, Culture Resources.

This year, for the first time in the museum’s almost 65 year history, they are no longer relying on one single director. It is now a co-director model. The are doing this so that they can hold ourselves accountable for their executive decisions.

The museum started in the early 1930s as the Washington County Historical Society. A lot of the objects that were donated, were donated by folks who arrived in Oregon via the Oregon Trail. Most of these objects were carried over the trail in wagons.

The historical society existed and then eventually dissolved. In 1982 the museum was renamed to what it is today. They are currently are on the PCC Rock Creek campus. The PCC founder envisioned this beautiful campus with a museum, a hangar, a farm, a learning garden, arts and music, and vocational skills. Their collection holds over 100,000 objects, 30,000 historical photographs, manuscripts and a library.

The most recent exhibit was entitled, “AgriCulture: Shaping the Lives & Land in the Tualatin Valley” with Molly Alloy as the guest curator. This exhibit went through September 2018 – June 2019. This exhibit featured the voices of 8 people from the farming community.

The current show runs from August 2019 through June 2020 and is called “This IS Kalapuyan Land,” with Stephanie Littlebird Fogel (Kalapuya) as the guest curator. This show focuses on the Native American community today instead of just looking backwards.

The museum has established the importance of working in the community as opposed to working with the community. This allows for deeper engagement and community support.

The museum is closed on Tuesday, but open Wednesday – Friday from 12-4 pm.

Club Calendar
Wed., Nov. 20: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Ridgewalker Mail Room, 1822 21st Ave.
Program: Four-Way Test Committee
Thurs., Nov. 21: Board Meeting, 7 a.m., Forest Grove Chamber
Thurs., Nov. 21: Thirsty Thurdsay/Satellite Club Meeting, 6:30 p.m.,
Blackdog Bar & Grill, 2825 19th Ave.
Wed., Nov. 27: No Meeting. Happy Thanksgiving!

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