Rotary Rewind – Nov. 20 & 27, 2019

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If you didn’t make it to this week’s Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, here is what you missed.

Club Announcements
No Meeting Nov. 27:
In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, our club will not meet on Wednesday, Nov. 27. We will return to our regular weekly meetings on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Note that the Dec. 4 meeting will take place in the Boxer Pause at Pacific University instead of the MPR.

Hope For The Holidays: Before you know it, it will be time for one of our club’s most anticipated service projects, Hope For The Holidays. We have been approved for a $2,500 matching grant from District 5100 for the project. Coupled with a $1,000 grant from Walmart, we are well on our way. Fundraising is now under way and we are behind on pledges. Please plan to bring your pledges to this great program to our Dec. 4 meeting.

For those who are new to the club, Hope For the Holidays is an annual project where we provide money, through a store gift card, to under-privledged families to help make the holiday season a bit brighter. We identify families with the help of local school district, Habitat for Humanity and other local groups. On our shopping night (Thursday, Dec. 19), Rotarians assist families in making their purchases.

Holiday Light Parade: We are once again planning to have a float in the annual Forest Grove Holiday Light Parade, which takes place on Saturday, Dec. 7. This year’s theme is the “Rotary Express” (think Polar Express with a Rotary theme). There will be a work party on Friday, Dec. 6 (time to be announced) in Jeff Duyck’s warehouse along 19th Avenue at Main Street to put the float together. The parade begins at 5 p.m. on Dec. 7. More details on day of parade logistics will be available soon.

Troop 213 Tree Stand: After a one-year hiatus, our Scouts BSA Troop 213 is once again in the Christmas tree business! The Scouts’ tree stand will open on Saturday, Dec. 3, with 300 trees available for purchase. Please considering supporting the stand, which is one of the primary fundraisers of the year for the troop that is chartered by our club.

People Of Action Award: John & Mary Welch presented this week’s People of Action award to Tara Cirlincione. Congratulations, Tara!

Holiday Meetings: The club will “go dark” (Rotary term for not hold a meeting) on the following upcoming Wednesdays: November 27 (in observance of Thanksgiving), December 25 (Christmas Day) and January 1 (New Year’s Day).

Have A Program Idea?: If you have an idea for a program or would like to present something yourself, let our incoming program chair, Bryce Baker, know. He will also have a program planning board at meetings so you can see what is on deck and what dates may be available.

Next Week’s Duty Roster (For Dec. 4): Make note of your assignment!
Vaughn Tidwell & Blake Timm
Thought for the Day:
Virginia Ohler
Rototeller Article:
Hannah Shinoda
Raffle Prize:
Geoff Faris

Last Week’s Program: Susan Winterbourne, District 5100 Grants Chair
As part of Rotary Foundation month, we heard a program from District 5100 grants chair Susan Winterbourne. The past president of the Forest Grove Daybreak Club, Susan has been active with Rotary at the district level for many years, serving as both a past assistant governor and administrative district governor.

Susan briefly described the types of grants that Rotary makes available for funding projects: District Grants, Global Grants, Disaster Grants and Partnership Grants. District Grants are most common funding mechanism for local projects and are made available in three different cycles during the Rotary year. District Grants are for a minimum of $250 and a maximum of $2,500 (with an amount matched by the club).

Applying for a district grant is an easy process. You give money to The Rotary Foundation, so why aren’t clubs getting back and applying for grants? The district’s mantra is that if someone wants to put together a grant request, they will help you make it happen.

Four things needed to apply for a grant…

1. Must directly impact at least six people.

2. It must be short term in nature. From date grant approved, you have one year to spend the money and 30 days to complete report after project is complete.

3. Grants require active Rotary involvement.

4. The grant project must promote Rotary.

Traditionally, our club has only done a grant for Hope For The Holidays. We will likely partner with Daybreak again with Peace Village for a second District Grant.

Club Calendar
Wed., Nov. 27: No Meeting. Happy Thanksgiving!
Wed., Dec. 4: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Pacific University (Boxer Pause)
Program: Club Assembly – Club Bylaws Revisions
Fri., Dec. 6: Holiday Float Building, Jeff Duyck’s Warehouse (Time TBD)
Sat., Dec. 7: Holiday Light Parade, 5 p.m., along Main Street
Tues., Dec. 10: Concours d’Elegance Meeting, 7 p.m., FG Chamber Office
Wed., Dec. 11: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Pacific University
Program: Alesha Casayuran, Pacific University Rotaract

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