Forest Grove Rotary Welcomes Margie Davidson As Its Newest Member

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From left to right: Sharon Olmstead, Margie Davidson, membership chair Parri Van Dyke and past president Bryce Baker.

We are proud to welcome Margie Davidson as our newest member of the Rotary Club of Forest Grove!

Sponsored for membership by Sharon Olmstead, Margie was formally inducted into the club during its Mar. 8, 2023 meeting.

A longtime Rotarian, Margie was part of the Albina Rotary Club for over 25 years, beginning her Rotary journey in 1992. She served as club president during the 1995-96 Rotary year. She served on nearly every committee and held nearly every office during her tenure with the club. She served as treasurer of the Albina Rotary Club Foundation for 24 years, growing the foundation assets until they were large enough to be professionally managed.

The foundation funds the Neil Kelly Scholarship Program, which provides scholarships to local graduates that are renewable for four years of college.

Margie was born and raised in Nampa, Idaho and moved to Portland in 1961. She met and married Roderick Davidson and raised two children in Northeast Portland. Her son and daughter-in-law continue to live in Portland as do two of her grandchildren, who are both graduates of Portland State. Margie also has a granddaughter, grandson-in-law and great granddaughter living in Norfolk, Virginia where her grandson-in-law is stationed with the United States Navy.

In her professional life, Margie worked for US Bank for 33 years, retiring in 1994. She started in the bookkeeping department and ended her career as a commercial loan officer and community liaison in the North/Northeast Portland and Albina communities.

Margie decided to move in with her daughter and son-in-law and the three of them moved to Forest Grove in 2022. Margie sold her home of 55 years and is enjoying the freedom of less responsibility as well as trying out the local wines.

Margie enjoys travel, reading, gardening and wine.

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