Welcome To Our Newest Member, Emily Duyck

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The Rotary Club of Forest Grove is proud to welcome Emily Duyck as its newest member! Emily was inducted into the club during its January 19 evening meeting at Ridgewalker Brewing. She is the first new member of the club in the 2022 calendar year.

Emily was sponsored for membership in the club by Melinda Fischer.

Emily grew up in the Forest Grove countryside playing on her grandpa’s dairy farm, riding motorcycles in Gales Creek, and helping her family’s funeral business. Her love of the Beavers led her to study at Oregon State University where she graduated and joined the food manufacturing industry as a  research and development specialist. During her time in the industry, she created some really fun and tasty foods that you see today at grocery stores and coffee shops. She now works at her family’s business, Duyck and Vandehey Funeral Home, where she enjoys helping families in one of their most difficult times.

In her free time, Emily enjoys spending time with her husband Jeff and 9-month-old son Henry who she will gladly share pictures of. They often spend their weekends with family and participating in local community events.

Emily’s love for the Forest Grove community is what led her to Rotary. She would like to give back to her community that she cares so much for and to meet new friends along the way.

Welcome Emily!

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