Rotary Rewind – Apr. 17, 2019

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If you didn’t make it to this week’s Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, below is an overview of what you missed.

We Meet At Prime Time Next Week: 
Next Wednesday’s meeting (Apr. 24) will be held at Prime Time, 4450 Pacific Ave., Forest Grove.

 Rotary Babies!: For the first time, we had the pleasure of having our three new Rotarian Mothers at the same meeting with their three Rotarians In Training. It was great to have Tara Cirlincione (and Lyla), Alma Lozano (and Valentina) and Hannah & Josh Shinoda (with Ethan).

Rotarians At Work Day: For this year’s Rotarians at Work Day project, we are staying focused on a longtime club project – the MacDougall Garden at the east end of Forest Grove (along Pacific Ave. and 19th Ave. adjacent to the big flagpole). We will not only work on any remaining ground prep, but will also plant the flowers that will beautify that space this summer. The project will take place on Sat., Apr. 27, 8:30 a.m., at the Garden. A sign-up sheet will go around at the next two Wednesday meetings or you can sign up by contact Geoff Faris.

Steak Feed Is Coming: We are closing in our annual Rotary Steak Feed fundraiser, which takes place on Fri., June 7 on the Pacific University campus. We need all hands on deck for this fundraising event, which is specifically focused on our participation in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Each Rotarian is asked to sell 10 tickets to the event, which will be distributed soon. For more information, contact Geoff Faris.

Save The Date – Spring Fling: Our annual Spring Fling social dinner (formerly the President’s Dinner) is scheduled for Fri., May 10, at the home of John Crosley in Forest Grove. More details coming soon!

Save The Date – End Of Year Celebration: Our annual End of Year Banquet and awards celebration is scheduled for Wed., June 19, 6 p.m., at Prime Time. Please plan on joining us in celebrating the past year for our club, to recognize fellow Rotarians for their service and for the official passing of the president’s gavel from Blake Timm to Tim Pearson. There will be no noon meeting that day.

Rotary Foundation Update: We are well on our way to meeting our Rotary Foundation giving goals! To date, club members have contributed a total of $8,107 towards The Rotary Foundation towards our annual goal of $9,000 (this does not include Crab Feed silent auction proceeds). We have surpassed our PolioPlus goal of $1,500 with $2,238 raised to date. Thank you!

Bites Fundraiser For Rotary Foundation: Plan on eating out at Bites Restaurant in Forest Grove on Tues., May 7. A portion of what Rotarians spend at the restaurant that night will be donated to The Rotary Foundation. Come out, enjoy a good deal, support local business and support The Rotary Foundation.

RYLA Applications Being Accepted: Our club is looking for one more applicant to send to this year’s District 5100 RYLA, July 13-19 at Camp Meucha in the Columbia River Gorge. Designed for young professionals ages 18-29, the purpose of RYLA is to recognize young leaders and provide them with an opportunity to expand their perceptions and ideals. The application deadline is May 31. Participants are accepted in the order they are received, so timing is critical. If you know of a potential applicant, please have them contact Loren Waltz. More information on RYLA is available at

District Conference: Mark your calendars for May 17-19 for the District 5100 Conference, which will take place at the Riverhouse on the Deschutes in Bend. More details about this year’s conference are available at

Peace Village: Our club and the Forest Grove Rotary Daybreak Club have both received District 5100 Matching Grants to help towards our club’s joint Peace Village project. The camp, which will target middle school students in teaching skills in conflict resolution, media literacy, connections with nature and mindfulness, will take place in August. The project is a joint between our Rotary Club and the Forest Grove Daybreak Rotary Club. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in the planning process, see Loren Waltz, or Howard Sullivan. To learn more about Peace Village, Visit Their Website.

Have A Program Idea?: If you have an idea for a program or would like to present something yourself, let our program chair, Julia Kollar, know. She will also have a program planning board at meetings so you can see what is on deck and what dates may be available.

Last Week’s Program – Michael Colvin, Radio & Emergency Preparedness
One of the newest members of our club, Michael Colvin has interest and experience with amateur radio and emergency preparedness. Michael presented a program on the use of two-way radios in emergencies (walkie-talkies that can be purchased at many stores) and the benefits to those in the case of an earthquake, fire or other disaster. He also talked about ways that we can get involved in the community to help make all of us safer in the case of the unexpected.

Next Week’s Duty Roster: Make note of your assignment!
Bryce Baker & John Ball
Thought for the Day: Chuck Prtichard
Rototeller Article: Amy Presley
Raffle Prize: Andrea Stewart

Club Calendar
Wed., Apr. 24: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Prime Time, 4450 Pacific Ave.
Program: Virginia Ohler, Habitat for Humanity
Sat., Apr. 27: Rotarians at Work Day Project, 8:30 a.m., MacDougall Garden
(Between Pacific Ave. & 19th Ave. near the big flagpole.)
Wed., May 1: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Pacific University
Fri., May 10: Spring Fling, Home of John Crosley
Fri., June 7: Steak Feed, Pacific University
Wed., June 19: End of Year Celebration, Prime Time

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