Rotary Rewind – Aug. 18, 2021

Posted By admin

If you didn’t make it to our last Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, here’s what you missed…

Next Week – Meeting At Rogers Park: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 25, at noon at Rogers Park, located at the corner of Elm Street and 19th Avenue in Forest Grove. Members attending should bring their own lunch and a lawn chair as we enjoy fellowship face-to-face in the great outdoors. Our program will be Mark Kittelson of Washington County Parks to talk to us about what is going on at Hagg Lake.

Upcoming Meetings: The location of our September 1 meetings is yet to be determined. The club intends to start regularly in person at Pacific University in September. The club is also looking into how to make the meetings hybrid, allowing people to continue to attend online. Watch the Rototeller for more details.

Steak Sale Continues: In time for Labor Day, we are starting another round of steak sales with proceeds benefiting our club’s many service outreaches and our Scholarship Program. As in the past, we will offer packs of two Columbia Empire Meats sirloin steaks for $15 per pack. Over the past year-plus, this fundraiser has brought in over $13,000 at a critical time with the club unable to hold the Concours d’Elegance or the Steak Feed.

All orders are due by Monday, August 30 with pick-up scheduled for Thursday, September 2. Submit orders to President Bryce Baker.

Golf Tournament: Thank you once again to all of our members and guests that came out for our annual golf tournament at Sunset Grove Golf Course on August 11. Here are the results from Tim Schauermann, who confirmed that the placing teams did, in fact, receive nothing for their awards.

Second Place: A tie between the team of Jeannine Murrell, Tom Raabe, John Ball and Lucas Welliver and the team of Julia Kollar, Paula Sullivan, Scott Coffey and Rick Burger. Both teams carded a score of 10-under-par 26.

First Place: The team of John Minor, Geoff Faris, Kevin Noreen (Daybreak Club) and Doug Scott (Daybreak). The foursome scored 17-under-par 19, which meant they bought enough string to only have to putt once.

In all, the golf tournament raised $540 for The Rotary Foundation. Thank you as always to Tim Schauermann for setting up this event and to John Forsyth and Marge Johnston for their assistance at the event.

ShelterBox HERO Club: Once again, our club has been recognized by ShelterBox USA as a ShelterBox Bronze Level HERO Club! The recognition signifies our club’s continued commitment to donate $1,000 per year to ShelterBox over a three-year period. We are truly grateful for the commitment of our members to continue to give to ShelterBox’s ongoing disaster relief efforts all over the world.

ShelterBox is an official Rotary partner. You can learn more about what the organization is doing around the world by Visiting The ShelterBox Website. Our own ShelterBox ambassadors, Jeannine Murrell and Pamelajean Myers, gave a program to the club on the organization in June which can be Viewed Here.

Haiti Relief Efforts: ShelterBox is looking for donations to help with relief for those affected by the recent 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. Donations can be directed to the ShelterBox USA website. Additionally, there is a relief fund that has been established by Rotary District 7020, which includes the majority of the clubs in the Carribbean. Click Here To Donate To The Relief Fund

Service Opportunities Upcoming: Be watching over the next two weeks for information on a service opportunity as we begin a partner project with West Tuality Habitat for Humanity!

Online Dues Payments: Our club is now equipped to take dues payments online! We can now process credit card or debit card payments for quarterly dues. Information on how to pay online was sent out with the quarterly billing that went out earlier in July.

With the transition to billing with Quickbooks, some members may not have received their quarterly invoice. If you did not, please contact treasurer Lucas Welliver.

FGHS Community Food Pantry: Our club’s support for the Forest Grove High School Food Pantry continues. Thanks to its partnership with the Oregon Food Bank, food donations are still welcome but are of less need at this time. Of need, however, are toiletries and hygiene products as well as household cleaning materials. Our club is currently contributing $1,000 per month of toiletry items, cleaning supplies and feminine hygiene products.

Distribution events for these items take place on the first Monday of each month. If you are interested in assisting with the next distribution event, please contact Michael Yakos.

The Food Pantry is open on Mondays from 2- 4 p.m. Donations are accepted on-site on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For information on the Food Pantry, please contact Brian Burke, If you wish to make a cash donation to the pantry, Click Here.

Additionally, Rotarian Gwen Hullinger has put together an Amazon wish list of items that can be purchased and donated. Click Here To View That List.

Rotary Phone Tree: Keep up the good work on the Rotary phone tree, helping to check in our members and keep them up to date on the happenings in the club. If you have questions about the phone tree, or if your information on the Phone Tree is not correct, contact Paul Waterstreet.

The goal of the phone tree is to reach out and check on every member of the club to make sure they are doing all right and to provide updates on club announcements and activities (Hint: You have a great list to draw from here). The plan is for the tree to be activated every Tuesday. The idea is that for each person to call the next one on the list. The last person on the list should call the team captain to make sure the list is complete.

Past Programs: Did you miss a meeting or want to go back and check out a program again? Most of our programs since May 2020 are archived on our club’s YouTube page. Visit

Around District 5100
District 5100 International Service Committee Update (by PDG Renee Campbell):
I am Renee Campbell, Past District Governor, and Chair of the District International Service Committee.

Each year my club, the Rotary Club of Salem. prepares a “Gold Star Report” to share with the members all the work our club has done over the last year. Often, we are so involved in the committees we serve in, we are not aware of what the other members are doing.

I decided to do a similar International Service Year-in-Review and presented it at our July 21 District International Service Committee meeting. It features Global Grants already in process, those approved this year, those in the application process, District Grants, and projects done club-to-club, or in cooperation with non-governmental organizations with no matching funds included. It is dang impressive when you see all the impact we have had in the world in a very difficult year. A LINK TO THE MEETING VIDEO is here. The presentation begins at about 31 minutes into the recording.

As impressive as it is, it was not complete at that time. There were several clubs who were not able to get all their information in in time for the meeting or had information to add during the presentation (and my math was not too good). I have prepared an Updated Slide Deck with the additional information. You may use this to present an international service program to your club or international service committee, or I would be happy to present to your club, either in person (as travel and COVID restrictions allow) or virtually. However you want to do it, we have a great story to tell of our district’s positive impact in International Service, and it should be shared!

If you would like to participate in the District International Service Committee and you are not receiving our communications, just let me know and I will get you on the distribution list.

Save The Date: District 5100 Rotary One Conference: Mark your calendars for May 19-22 as District 5100 will present its first combined Spring Training Event and annual conference in Seaside. The combined conference will provide Rotary training opportunities, inspirational speakers and a celebration of what is hoped to be a great year in District 5100.

Around Rotary International
Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta’s Presidential Initiatives

Initiatives Overview

  • Empowering Girls
  • Grow Rotary – Each One, Bring One
  • Rotary Days of Service
  • Areas of Focus Presidential Conferences

Empowering Girls
Equality is a fundamental human right that’s critical in order to have a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Still, girls and women worldwide face inequities in areas including health and education, and they experience significant violence and disproportionate poverty. Rotary encourages clubs and districts to prioritize projects that improve the health, well-being, education, and economic security of girls in their communities and around the world. Develop a club-based initiative, a district grant, or a global grant that engages members of your community in a project that will protect and empower girls. Work to increase equity by ensuring their access to resources that will improve their lives.


Grow Rotary – Each One, Bring One
When we grow Rotary by welcoming new members, we can achieve more. This means expanding our service and increasing the impact of our projects, as well as building awareness and understanding of Rotary in our communities.

In 2021-22, we’re focused on expanding our reach and enhancing engagement, with a goal of achieving and sustaining a global Rotary club membership of 1.3 million and a Rotaract club membership of 300,000. Each of us was given an extraordinary gift when we were proposed for membership in Rotary. We each have an opportunity to extend that gift to others who can benefit from Rotary and help us increase our impact. If each of us sponsors just one new member between now and 30 June 2022, we’ll have no difficulty reaching our goals.

Rotary Days of Service
Hands-on volunteer experiences strengthen our communities. We encourage clubs to offer meaningful volunteer opportunities for families and partner organizations to address challenges in your community that are related to one or more of our areas of focus. Make it easy for community members to see us as people of action, and encourage them to take action with us, regardless of their profession or their affiliation with Rotary.

A curated list of United Nations observances can help your club plan service activities around global themes. After your event, share details about it by posting photos and videos to Rotary Showcase and using the tag #ServiceDay2021.


Areas of Focus Presidential Conferences
Plan to attend a presidential conference that explores the intersections of our areas of focus. The 2021-22 presidential conference series will highlight the humanitarian work that Rotary clubs and districts pioneer locally and support globally:

  • 5 October 2021 — Gyeongju, Korea
  • 26-28 November 2021 — Manila, Philippines
  • 4-6 February 2022 — Hyderabad, India
  • 12-13 February 2022 — Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
  • 5-6 March 2022 — Maputo, Mozambique
  • 18-20 March 2022 — Venice, Italy
  • 3-4 June 2022 — Houston, Texas, USA

Last Week’s Program: Club President Bryce Baker

Click Here To Watch The Complete Program

At last week’s combined meeting of our noon club and our satellite club, President Bryce Baker provided an extended introduction of himself and talked about his visions for the club during his presidential year.

Bryce was born in February 1984 at Kaiser Sunnyside Hospital and moved to Tigard in 1989. He grew up going fishing, camping and visiting friends every chance their family got.

In 1999, Bryce met a girl on AOL Instant Messenger. The two of them spent all night chatting and then talking on the phone. They met at Washington Square the next day and have been inseparable ever since. Bryce and Devon were engaged on a cruise to Bermuda in 2006 and were married on September 8, 2007 in a ceremony overlooking Oswego Lake. Their daughter, Diana, was born in 2015. She is five-and-a-half going on 15 and is the light of their lives.

Bryce graduated from Tigard High School in 2006 and earned his bachelor’s degree in business management from Pacific University in 2006. He has worked as a barista, a deli hot-case worker, a poolside snack shack manager and worked a Circuit City as tech support. He finally settled on finance and, since that time, has worked at New Avenues for Youth, the Multnomah County Health Department, the City of Forest Grove and the City of Hillsboro.

Bryce and Devon have lived in Lake Oswego, downtown Portland, West Linn and southwest Portland before moving to Forest Grove in 2016.

Bryce loves to travel and has been from Machu Picchu to Easter Island, Monaco to Barcelona and from Steens Mountain to the Puget Sound. He still enjoys the outdoors, hiking, fishing, camping, hunting and kayaking.

In terms of Rotary, Bryce first became involved in 2016. Alex Doyle invited Bryce to assist with the Concours d’Elegance. Alex sponsored Bryce into the club and has been involved with car spotting for the Concours and serving whenever and however he can. What drew him into Rotary, and what keeps him in it, is what Rotary does for the people of our community and internationally.

This Rotary year, Bryce would like our club to embrace the international goal to bring more members into the organization and embrace the Four Priorities set forth by Rotary President Shekhar Mehta: to increase our ability to adapt, to increase participant engagement, expand our reach and increase impact.

Last June, our club went through a visioning process to help guide our way through the next five years. Bryce shared some of those results.

In terms of increasing our impact, we want to send club members on Global Grant Projects. Claudia Yakos is working on developing a global project that she will present about in September. We want to expand our Hope For The Holidays program so that we can help more people and get more Rotarians involved. We will continue to give ongoing support to the Forest Grove High School Food Pantry.

In terms of expanding our reach, we want to find ways to be more visible in the community and expand our public relations efforts and media exposure opportunities. While Blake Timm does a good job with our club’s PR, we need to expand it so we can have a greater impact. Bryce is partnering with the Daybreak club to see how can leverage some of the PR work they have done with the local newspaper.

We will be reviewing our membership types so we can find better options for families and review our dues structure so that anyone who has a heart for service can be a member of our club.

In terms of enhancing membership engagement, the monthly evening meeting with the noon club and the satellite club is one of those goals. By having the two groups engage more, we can have a bigger impact as a club. The club is looking to set up a mentorship program for professional connections and for leadership within the club. Ultimately, we want to be known as the premier service club in Forest Grove and we want to broaden our leadership group within the club.

Club Calendar
Wed., Aug. 25: Weekly Meeting, Noon
Rogers Park, Forest Grove
Please Bring Your Own Lunch & Chair
Program: Mark Kittelson, Hagg Lake

Wed., Sept. 1: Weekly Meeting, Noon
Location TBD
Program: Keith Buckley, Pacific University Athletics

Thurs., Sept. 2: Executive Board Meeting, 7 a.m.
Via Zoom

Wed., Sept. 7: Weekly Meeting, Noon
Location TBD
Program: Sarah Phillips, Pacific University College of Arts & Sciences

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