Rotary Rewind – March 11, 2020

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If you didn’t make it to our last Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, here’s what you missed…

Club Announcements
Meetings Canceled Indefinitely:
With the COVID-19 outbreak affecting all of us and both governments and health authorities recommending social distancing to help stop spread, the board of the Rotary Club of Forest Grove has canceled meetings for the foreseeable future. This includes both weekly noon meetings, the Crab Feed and satellite club meetings. The board is scheduled to meet via conference call around April 1 to discuss the status of weekly meetings moving forward. Read President Tim Pearson’s Full Message

Rotary International President Mark Maloney is also urging clubs and districts worldwide postpone or cancel events to help “flatten the curve” of the spread of the virus. Read President Mark’s Full Message and Visit This Webpage to read more about how Rotary is responding to the outbreak.

District Training Assembly Canceled: Because of the COVID-19 outbreak and restrictions on large gatherings, the annual District Training Assembly scheduled for Saturday, April 4, has been canceled. The district is looking into ways that some training modules that were scheduled for DTA can be presented remotely. Watch your email and DacDB for updates.

Board of Directors Elections: Elections for three open board of directors positions were held at our March 11 meeting. Congratulations to Virginia Ohler, Howard Sullivan and Alma Lozano, who will serve from 2020 to 2023. We look forward to your greater service to the club!

Welcome Ruben!: At the February Satellite Club Meeting, we welcomed our newest member of the club, Ruben Acevedo! Ruben is a chiropractor who has recently opened a practice in Cornelius and is excited to get involved in our community. Ruben is a native of Puerto Rico and is a graduate of Universidad de Puerto Rico, Cal State LA and the University of Western States where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree.

Rotary Scholarships: Applications for the 2020 Rotary Club of Forest Grove Scholarship Program are now available! The program is open to graduating seniors who live in the Forest Grove, Gaston and Banks school district attendance areas. The program is funded through the proceeds our club receives by putting on the annual Concours d’Elegance. Seniors who wish to apply can get an application from their school guidance counselor or download the form from the Rotary Club of Forest Grove Website. Applications are due by Thurs., April 9.

RYLA: With the resignation of Kerri Willis from the club, Lazaro Villegas has agreed to help chair RYLA for our club! If you know of someone who would be a great candidate for RYLA this summer, please let Lazaro know.

Jazz & Dinner Event: As part of the effort to bring more people to Forest Grove in conjunction with the Concours d’Elegance, Court Carrier (through his role as city tourism director) is developing a wine and jazz event that will take place on Friday, July 17, 4:30 p.m., at the Tualatin Estate Vineyard. The event is designed to be a community event featuring a number of local wineries. If you are interested in more information, or are interested in being part of the steering committee, please contact Court at

Rogers Park Service Opportunity: Our club has applied for, and received, a $2,000 District 5100 matching grant to go towards a project in Rogers Park that will be tied into the renovations that will take place with the construction of Anna & Abby’s Yard. More details on what this project will entail will be forthcoming.

Steak Feed: Save the date! Our annual Steak Feed, which raises funds for our involvement in the Rotary Youth Exchange program, is scheduled for Friday, June 12, on the Pacific University campus. More details will be available soon.

FGHS Community Food Pantry: The Community Service Committee is looking to develop a partnership with the new Community Food Pantry that has opened at Forest Grove High School. Club leaders have met with the high school to not only discuss volunteer opportunities but also possible donations of food, money and equipment.

The pantry is currently looking for donations of refrigerators, food and clothing racks (think the rolling Gorilla Rack style) and clear storage bins. If you can help in procuring some of those items for the pantry, please contact Bryce Baker.

The Community Food Pantry is currently open Wednesday through Friday after school and on Mondays and Tuesdays by appointment.

Creating Friendships Through Peace: Rotarian Michael Colvin is again working with Creating Friendships Through Peace to bring teenagers from Cyprus to spend three weeks this summer in the United States. If you are interested in learning more about the program or are interesting in helping host, please contact Michael.

District Announcements
Save The Date – District 5100 Conference:
The Annual District 5100 Conference will take place May 14-17 at the Mt. Hood Oregon Resort (formerly The Resort At The Mountain) in Welches. This conference is a celebration of the Rotary year and the good work our Rotarians do in District 5100. There is a block of rooms set aside for the District at $129 per night. Mention “Rotary District 5100 Conference” for that rate. Reservations can be made by calling 503-622-2220 or online at

Rotary And Toastermasters Partnering: Members of Toastmasters and Rotary will enhance their skills, broaden their networks and increase their positive impact in communities through a new collaboration. The ongoing relationship between the two organizations will begin at the grassroots level with local club members learning and working together. Additionally, Toastmasters will create a set of eight structured communication and leadership development courses for Rotary with a phased rollout that will be available in English in 2020, and in more languages in 2021.

“The strategic alliance with Rotary is exciting and allows both organizations to leverage our unique and similar strengths,” says Deepak Menon, Toastmasters’ 2019-20 International President. “We look forward to providing our current and prospective members with ongoing additional offerings that meet their evolving needs.” Read More At

Last Week’s Program: Mary Jo Morelli, Friends of Historic Forest Grove
Mary Jo Morelli is a native Oregonian, descended from pioneers and has lived in the Forest Grove area since 1978. She is extremely involved in our community and is a founding member of Friends of Forest Grove. She spoke to our club about the New Order of Oregon in 1878 to 1920, women’s suffrage.

In the 1920 election, 26 million Americans went to the polls. This was an increase due to the 1919 passage of the women’s suffrage act. However, only 34 percent of eligible women voted in that election.

The right to vote was on the ballot and failed 5 times before it passed in 1912 in Oregon. Abigail Scott Duniway had influence with Susan B. Anthony, who came to Oregon to tour our state. Duniway established a newspaper called the New Northwest. This publication influenced the suffrage movement in Oregon.

Duniway’s brother was Harvey Whitfield Scott, who was the first graduate of Pacific University in 1863 and went to become the editor-in-chief of The Oregonian. Unlike his sister, he was opposed to women gaining the right to vote. When he passed away, some think this allowed for the suffrage movement to gain traction. A coalition of 75 Oregon groups are what shepherded in the vote in 1912 when 52 percent of Oregon men voted for suffrage.

The suffrage celebration was held at the Multnomah hotel in a room that had yellow chrysanthemums and the room was filled with 300 men and women dignitaries. There was no after-dinner smoking and no wine was served. There were 21 scheduled speakers along with Mrs. Duniway. There was a salute of fluttering white handkerchiefs.

Duniway passed away in 1915 but she left a legacy off strength and courage that carries on in Oregon today.

To hear more about suffrage, check out the history pub happening in partnership with McMenamins Grand Lodge And the Friends of Forest Grove.

Club Calendar
Thurs., Mar. 19: Board Meeting, 7 a.m., Location TBD
Because of the COVID-19 Outbreak, club meetings are canceled until further notice.

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