Rotary Rewind – May 29, 2019

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If you didn’t make it to this week’s Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, below is an overview of what you missed.

Noon Meetings On The Move! 
With the transition of Pacific University’s food service from Aramark to Bon Appetit, we will be on the road for our Wednesday noon meetings for the next month.

Wed., June 5: We will meet at the Cornelius Public Library, 1370 N. Adair St., Cornelius (across from Cornelius Elementary School).

Wed., June 12: We will meet at Prime Time, 4450 Pacific Ave., Forest Grove.

Wed., June 19: End of Year Celebration 6 p.m., Prime Time. There will be no noon meeting on this date.

 Steak Feed Is Coming: We are closing in our annual Rotary Steak Feed fundraiser, which takes place on Fri., June 7 on the Pacific University campus. We need all hands on deck for this fundraising event, which is specifically focused on our participation in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.

Each Rotarian is asked to sell 10 tickets to the event. All members should have their tickets and work roster by now, either picked up at a weekly meeting or mailed to you. For more information or questions, contact Geoff Faris.

In addition, we will be wrapping the silverware for the Steak Feed at the end of our meeting next Wednesday. Please plan on sticking around afterwards to help.

Road Cleanup Scheduled: One of our semi-annual road clean-ups is scheduled for Sat., June 1, 8:30 a.m., meeting at the Oregon Department of Forestry office on Gales Creek Road. We will pick on our adopted stretches of Gales Creek Road (from Thatcher Road to Willamina) and Thatcher Road (from Gale Creek Road to David Hill Road). More hands make for quicker work! Please contact Jerry Hoerber with questions.

Save The Date – End Of Year Celebration: Our annual End of Year Banquet and awards celebration is scheduled for Wed., June 19, 6 p.m., at Prime Time. If you were not at Wednesday’s meeting, expect to see an invitation in the mail soon! Please plan on joining us in celebrating the past year for our club, to recognize fellow Rotarians for their service and for the official passing of the president’s gavel from Blake Timm to Tim Pearson. There will be no noon meeting that day.

Concours d’Elegance: Our annual Concours d’Elegance is coming up quickly! Make sure you are planning on being in Forest Grove on July 20 and 21 as we put on one of the best Concours-level car shows in the world! The show takes place on Sun., Jul 21 on the campus of Pacific University and is our club’s primary fundraiser of the year. The majority of the proceeds go to support our scholarship program. You can learn more about this year’s show at

The Concours steering committee is now meeting weekly as the planning and execution of show kicks into high gear. All club members are welcome at planning meetings. The next will be this Tuesday, June 3, 7 p.m., at the Forest Grove Chamber Office.

Forest Grove Summer Meals Program – Help Needed: At our May 22 meeting, Rotarian Rudy Tinoco spoke to the volunteer need for the Forest Grove Summer Meals program that is being coordinated through Old Town Church Forest Grove. Working with the Forest Grove School District, Summer Meals is a federally funded program that ensures all children up to age 18 meet their nutritional needs. Meals are served Monday through Friday, 12 to 12:30 p.m., from June 17 to August 16 at parks around Forest Grove and Cornelius. It is estimated that the program serves thousands of meals to children in our area each week. For some children, it may be their only meal of the day.

To learn more about the program or to sign up to volunteer, please visit

Be The Inspiration Award: This week’s Be The Inspiration Award recipient was Paul Minor as presented by Paul Waterstreet. Congratulations Paul!

Foundation Goals Have Been Met!: Thanks to your generosity, our club has met and surpassed its Rotary Foundation giving goals for the year! To date, we have raised $9,547 towards a goal of $9,000 to our contributions to the foundation annual fund. We have raised $2,513 towards a goal of $1,500 towards our Polio Plus giving. Because of your generosity, we will continue to be able to leverage District 5100 grant funding to fund such club projects as Hope for the Holidays and Peace Village.

This does not mean we should stop giving! Every dollar given continues to support Rotary’s work locally and throughout the world. The more we raise, the more good we do.

Peace Village: Our club and the Forest Grove Rotary Daybreak Club have both received District 5100 Matching Grants to help towards our club’s joint Peace Village project. The camp, which will target middle school students in teaching skills in conflict resolution, media literacy, connections with nature and mindfulness, will take place in August. The project is a joint between our Rotary Club and the Forest Grove Daybreak Rotary Club. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in the planning process, see Loren Waltz, or Howard Sullivan. To learn more about Peace Village, Visit Their Website.

 Have A Program Idea?: If you have an idea for a program or would like to present something yourself, let our program chair, Julia Kollar, know. She will also have a program planning board at meetings so you can see what is on deck and what dates may be available.

Last Week’s Program – Sara Bang
In a long-standing club and Rotary tradition, we heard from our inbound exchange student, Sara Bang from South Korea. Sara taught us some about her home country, about her schooling in South Korea and what she hopes to do with her life. Once she leaves the United States in July, she will return to her home country to finish her schooling in an arts magnet high school. She plans to attend college and hopes to one day return to the U.S. to design shoes for Nike (she admitted to doing a lot of shopping on two trips to the Nike Company Store).

Sara has enjoyed many things during her time in Forest Grove, including trips to see Multnomah Falls, to taste Tillamook cheese and the District 5100 Youth Exchange trip to California. She said she will miss school in the U.S. the most. Needless to say, Sara has had a great time as a Rotary Youth Exchange student!

Next Week’s Duty Roster: Make note of your assignment!
John Crosley & Ken Cunningham
Thought for the Day: Geoff Johnston
Rototeller Article: Janet Peters
Raffle Prize: Parri Van Dyke

Club Calendar
Tues., June 3: Concours d’Elegance Meeting, 7 p.m., Forest Grove Chamber Office
Wed., June 5: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Cornelius Public Library
Program: Our scholarship recipients
Fri., June 7: Steak Feed, 5-8 p.m., University Center, Pacific University
Wed., June 12: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Prime Time
Program: Howard Sullivan – Peace Village Forest Grove
Wed., June 19: End of Year Celebration, Prime Time
Sun., July 21: Concours d’Elegance, Pacific University Campus

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