Youth Citizens of the Month – October 2018

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Hannah Lindsay, Forest Grove High School
Joey Hernandez-Rodriguez, Neil Armstrong Middle School

Nominated by teachers and administrators, and rotated monthly between Forest Grove, Banks and Gaston high schools, the Rotary Club of Forest Grove Youth Citizen of the Month program recognizes students who possess high standards of personal behavior and good citizenship, exemplify the ideals of Rotary, follow school rules and have excellent behavioral records.

Hannah Lindsay from Forest Grove High School received the designation of Youth Citizen of the Month for October 2018. Hannah is being recognized for being a quiet leader and role model who makes a positive difference each day at Forest Grove High School. Hannah is a great example of what true inclusion looks like as she welcomes and includes peers of all abilities in her academic classes, during sports activities and throughout the school day. Hannah’s positive inclusive leadership is contagious and motivates those around her to be their best. Hannah volunteers at the annual Corn Roast, plays Unified Soccer, is on the golf team and is the president of Youth Ending Slavery.

From Neil Armstrong Middle School, Joey Hernandez-Rodriguez is being recognized for being studious, extremely kind, patient and respectful. Joey is a wonderful student and a helpful peer. He is a conscientious student who completes his work in class and then works with other students to help them understand concepts. He is patient with his peers and guides them to understanding. Joey is a genuinely nice person, well deserving of the recognition.

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